
Showing posts from October, 2021

THINKING DEEP FANTASIES also show's over. E//22

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 22   The time when you're like "only if I had one more day", that time is approaching fast. Personally I'm out there at sehri time at tahajud, trying to remember every possible dua to make. It be like that, if you know you know. .. Btw it was another outside iftar situation. We had biryani (!?), yeah it be like that. It was so good though, one of the best I had in a while. .. I have this interest of mine which I like the most, it's kinda my favorite where I visit new masjids. Was out there looking for one and found a little old open concept masjid on a hill hide. Such a cool experience it was, city in the background, a little wind making the environment moody and Imam doing the tilawat, lifts you above your stresses for while, makes you think deep fantasies until the damn mosquitoes says, show's over. Mosquitoes are a mood killer ngl. It was a cool overall moment icl. 

MISSING WORK also not feeling it. E//21

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 21   Not so great news right at the start of the day, missed a great work opportunity because I preferred sleep. Not so bad though, sleep's fine too.  moving on. .. Went for iftar, it was nice,  what else ? Not following the exercise routine, that was expected. what can you do, schedule isn't favoring. I'm barely keeping this up. .. I know it's a short one, I wasn't feeling it, you know, happens sometimes, I'm not so worried. .. Ramazan is going pretty well though, that's the important stuff. So, we fine. 

KEEPING MYSELF GROUNDED also having a good time. E//20

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 20   You know the one dish thing where everyone brings food preferably home cooked/prepared and everyone shares it ? We did the iftar version of it.  It was so great, brothers sharing food, enjoy the good times, bonding, making memories. It all helps increase the goodness of companionship, doing something for the brothers, thinking about someone other than yourself. It's the littlest of the stuff that makes the difference. Loved it. .. The first of the five nights. The nights of Lailatul Qadar. Don't know what it is but I always get nervous going into these nights, it's all too overwhelming. Don't know what it is but there definitely is something. .. Late in the night I went to the graveyard to do some thinking you know, when you see your final destination it helps you realize the purpose of you being on the planet, helps you straighten up. Also, makes you remember, this world is temporary and we all have limited and unknown amount of time on...

YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE also it is what it is. E//19

 Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 19   April went by really fast. Isn't that the case with every month lately ? .. I woke up so late, literally so late you can't even imagine.  I mean, you can imagine but it was really late. .. Iftar at home today, nice. .. I'm so embarrassed about what I'm gonna say now, lemme just say. I had to do this one thing before 1st May and it was already 30th April, thought I'll do it after the nap. I slept and dreamed about the thing that I had to do, In my dream I already did it, and did it so well. Woke up thinking I did it for real but obviously I did not. Realized it later in the day that the dream played me. Now here I'm sitting down doing the thing in a hurry looking like a stupid idiot. Did such a crappy job. But, what you gonna do, stuff happens, it is what it is. .. Met another old brother, this time didn't talked stupid stuff, it was all serious. Good day overall. 

FIGHTING THE SLEEP also friendly mosquitoes. E//18

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 18   I'm too sleep deprived right now to do anything. No complains, powering through. .. I have this dust and stuff allergies and boy they bad, whenever they hit, they hit bad, you can't do anything until you get an anti allergy and a min 8 hours of bed time. .. It was another day of a garden iftar dinner thing, this time in a different college campus. Guess what ? Didn't wear black this time, went with dark grey. Idk, I can't help, I'm very ..what do you say ? Monochromatic in this regard. Mosquitoes were quite friendly though, they came, sucked a sip and peacefully flew away without that irritating buzz music fest they like a lot. *what am I doing ? talking mosquitoes, I need sleep* .. This was one of those day you know without a "lesson". No worries, we all deserve a chill day.

PUTTING THE COMPELETE TRUST IN also being ourselves. E//17

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 17   Felt like we blinked and half the month was already over. .. I'm having iftar today at home so probably the day is gonna go uneventful, It's the pattern I'm observing, Whenever I'm home for the iftar, nothing extra usually happens that day. .. 17th Ramzan, the day of Badar, where just 313 Muslims defeated the army of non believers. If your believe in ALLAH is firm and you put your entire trust in, he'll help you in ways beyond your imagination, that's the biggest general take away for me. .. You know, I'm thinking of making a stamp for my books, for 2 particular reasons. One, it looks cool, second, the free loaders, they 'borrow' and never return, this way I'll be able to put tabs on them. We'll see. .. Met an old fella again, a different one of course. The renew-ation (is this a word ? idk ) is going pretty good I think. Went on a ride, talked smack. You know being us. Fine day, it was.

INSTANT REGRET also met a long lost friend. E//16

Yesterdays' RAMAZAN DAY 16   Some good news at the start, the workout continued. "workout" is kinda exaggeration but hey, I moved, and that counts in my book, so that's that. .. Went to a Islamic book store to get some tafseer you know living the Ramadan spirit.  Hung out at a mosque for a bit, you know for some chill time. Tbh I enjoy chilling in a masjid. There's little to no noise, you can read a book in peace, AC's on, so overall it's pretty chill. .. Went to a college for iftar, strange ? Ik, buts it's common here. Instantly regretted going all black everything, it was a garden party, so you know uninvited mosquitoes had a great meal party too. .. Met an old lost brother randomly and talked so much smack, basically we went old ways being us. Didn't felt like it was too long since we hung out. Totally love this about my boys. This reminded me, I have to renew so many expired friendships, but you know, time, there isn't much. We'll get i...