Dealing with COVID-19 in developing countries
As humans, we are known for mainly having an attack minded nature, we tend to be aggressive and decisive until we are under pressure then we mostly find excuses and place the blame, that's usually our plan B for everything.
As the COVID-19 has shaken the whole world and the authorities don't know exactly what to do, while the researchers and scientists are trying to learn the virus and its possible cures, the "world leaders" are relying on/implementing heavily the plan B, same is the case with the great nation of PAKISTAN, the official cases has passed the 100,000 mark, daily stats are showing 5000+ positives and around 150 daily deaths.
In this critical situation the authorities are still playing the blame game rather then doing their jobs, the economy is dead and the lock down situation is unclear.
The country where 40%+ people live below or on the poverty line, these situations for most are stressing, there's a fear of the virus of course but the greater fear is the financial situation, govt is unable to track their poor population and provide them with necessities, bills are stacking up and people are trying to figure out the ways to save and feed their families.
A normal and rational question occurs in one's mind, what should the poor of a 3rd world, "developing" country do in these times and situations, and honestly no one knows, authorities are not willing to ans, the welfare organizations can do just enough and the rich lords don't care.
Thank god that the poor are mostly industry and labour workers having good immune system but that also last just, long term fear is obviously present.
The basic following of the SOPs is necessary obviously, taking care of your families, wearing masks, washing hands, keeping the social distance etc.
The rational mind makes you only think for the future, the working class has to open their minds and eyes and look around and see who really cares about the society and who is only there for bells, the long term future of working class can only be secured by electing the right leadership for their generations to come, because these test will keep on coming and who comes out successful at the other end all depends upon the steps one takes now.
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