THIS WORLD SICKENS ME also the vibes are missing. //E09




I switched pens this time, why is that relevant ? I don't know.


The other day some one mentioned on twitter that ramazan isn't about the vibes and moods, it's about ibadah. I disagree, it's all about the vibes, vibes doesn't mean something bad. The month comes with it's traditions and rituals and vibes and moods comes with them, which tbh are missing this year as some of those were missing last year.


There used to be road side stalls of free iftar in every corner of the street which are few to none this year, they possess a different vibe, which was missing, hence the vibes are missing.

I hope I've made the point.


I had to send a text to some one and I'm not joking it took me so long to figure out how to write what I'm supposed to write. Texting isn't for me I guess. Give me calls, no issues. Texts ? I'll pass.


Came home to some bad news. Bomb went off in Quetta killing a few people. There was this news about a forces member allegedly raped a boy.


This world we live in sickens me. Every day there's a new low we achieve and day by day going further down the low road. At this point I have no words. 

We pray ALLAH forgive us and guide us to the truth and right. 


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