ZERO INTERACTIONS also moving on. E//15



Bro, wth, I keep losing pens. This is the 5th one ig. No big deal though. We move.


Exercise is back..kind of. Let me explain, there was this thing on twitter where the people decide how much pushups you will do based on the interactions like favs, rts, replies etc. My twitter is mostly just me tweeting dumb stuff meaning close to no actual interactions (wish I had a little though, moving on), so I got a sweet cake of 35.


clocked, half of the month is gone. Totally Rocketed. I hope the good we did was accepted and we get enough time to repent. 15 days still remaining so, strapped. Moving on.


I did the evaluation of myself you know to be better going forward in the month. I could say things aren't that bad, it could be better though.

Regretted some decisions, made some more, reconceived some, ditched some, you know, normal stuff.

can't really regret all along, that doesn't help anyone, what we gonna do, stuff happens, only God knows the reason. What could you do is strap on and move it.


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