Making money through blog

..."why do you blog ?"

..."why do I blog ?"

..."why do they blog ?"

The above Qs are most often asked by people from others and sometimes from themselves, I never did though,

..."so, what are the answers ? what should be the answers ? or are these questions even valid ?"

 Hello this is me again with some thoughts and As, hope you're all good..let's get started.

This might sound a bit irrelevant to some and I know this topic is not to be talked by a newbie blogger but since my last blog Blogging teaches stuff I got reached out by some people asking about stuff like the above mentioned Qs and some EARNING Qs too, so let's figure this out step by step.

The first thing is you have to be real to yourself, ask yourself 'why am I starting this' and etc. if you got the answer then it's great.

Some start for passion, some start for time killing and then they develop their passion and some just want to earn.

Look, the first two are okay, I myself started for the killing of time, check out my first blog if you didn't, but the third one is really tricky.

If your motivation to create something from the very first day is money, then my friend it would be real hard to create a genuine content, the money will eventually come but only if the content is as genuine as your motivation to create it, but creating content for money will not motivate you for ever, your motivation will die and you might quit (I hope not).

and for the people asking 'how much money have you made since the start', so the A is I haven't till now, and for the people asking how to make money, so man I haven't made any so I don't have any personal experience so the google guys might help you in that regard.

I think I've answered correctly, and I hope it helps.

Will see you next time.👋


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